***** KnifeFight 1.0 ***** I'm supposed to write something deeply interesting here, describing how simply fantastic KnifeFight is, but I won't, because i know no one really reads it anyway, and you all just want to get on with playing the mod. So, to be frank, just follow the instructions in this ReadMe and if you have any problems either post on the MobileForces Community Forums or email me. But just in case anyones reading....... Knife Fight is a gametype mod for Mobile Forces that combines fast gameplay with strategic thought. It includes 6 new maps, compatable with DeathMatch mode as well as KnifeFight. Any feedback is welcome! FEATURES -= 1.0 Version =- - A fully-formed new gametype, based on classic DeathMatch and playable in all of the original MoFo maps and all addon maps released so far. - 3 new maps specifically designed for KnifeFight. - 3 existing addon maps re-engineered to make them more suitable to the Knife Fight gameplay. - Multiple gametype options such as Slomo Slaughter, Armour Mode and JumpMatch. - Full bot support. The full set of new AI-characters is customised to only use knives and to fit-in with the Knife Fight theme. - Tools for mappers, open the LHM-MappersTools-1.u file in your /system directory into the editor and you will find new actors to use in your maps. Email me if you want more help with this. INSTALLATION I'll assume that if your reading this, you've either already installed the mod or are reading it prior to installing. To install KnifeFight, just run the included KF-setup-1.0.exe file and point the installation towards your MobileForces directory. If you used the default install path this will be C:\Program Files\MobileForces. You can change this in the first setup screen. Just follow the setup program until the program is installed. No Uninstall is included because it could corrupt you MobileForces installation. To manually uninstall, delete the following files: maps/DM-AbandonedMine-KF.umf maps/DM-Asylum.umf maps/DM-Cathedral.umf maps/DM-DrainageTrouble-KF.umf maps/DM-KnifeWarehouse.umf maps/DM-Modernity-KF.umf textures/Plutonic.utx music/Target.umx music/xRocker-M.umx music/AfterTheRain.umx system/KnifeFight.u system/KnifeFight.int system/LHM-MapperTools-1.u KnifeFight Readme.txt THANKS AND APPRECIATION Large thanks to everyone at MobileForces.org, visitors past and present! Thanks to Mentalist from RtW for making the MentalRace gametype mod and to WalkerB for his work on the FNG mutator packs. Thanks to Xavier and the guys at all the Unreal Engine Mapping/Coding site across the web. Especially the UnrealWiKi and the tutorial on Lighting in Unreal Maps published by Lode Vandevenne (www.planetunreal.com/lode). Thanks to the great work put in by the rest of the team, Mottyman, SockTiger and -=UMF=- Sniper! The credits for the mod follow: Liam Haynes - Gamecode and the maps DM-Cathedral, DM-DrainageTrouble-KF DM-Modernity-KF, DM-Asylum and some work on DM-AbandonedMine-KF. **--** Thomas Hesketh aka Mottyman - The maps DM-KnifeWarehouse and DM-AbandonedMine-KF as well as additional pre-release testing **--** John Olsen aka -=UMF=- Sniper - The music in Asylum, Drainage-Trouble-KF and Cathedral as well as additional pre-release testing and file hosting **--** Chris Blundell aka Plutonic - For giving us permission to use his Plutonic.utx texture pack (www.planetunreal.com/plutonic) **--** Finnian Haynes aka Wiggy - Large amounts of pre-release testing and ideas contribution. **--** James Emmerson aka Pandoras-Box - Additional pre-release testing and preventing my loss of sanity. **--** Please report any bugs that you find to heroquest@heroquest.fsworld.co.uk or post on the official Mobile Forces Community forum at http://www.mobileforces.org . Get ready to rumble! ~~~~~ The KnifeFight Mod Team - August 1st 2004