FNG Mutator Pack Release 1.3 ============================ What is this thing ? -------------------- This is a collection of mutators for Mobile Forces that tweak the gameplay in certain areas to allow for variation and better teamplay. Who wrote this thing ? ---------------------- Walker of FridayNightGaming.com (www.fridaynightgaming.com) Is it Official ? ---------------- This is NOT officially endorsed by either RealTimeWorlds or Rage How do I install it ? --------------------- Simple, copy the FNG.u file to the System directory (inside the directory where you installed Mobile Forces). How do I use it ? ----------------- It is designed for use on dedicated servers only. You would normally start your dedicated server up with a command similar to the following :- ucc.exe server mf-?game= To start it with these mutators use the following style of command line :- ucc.exe server mf-?game=?mutator=, etc For example to start a server on carpark playing holdout using random vehicles, reduced grenades and the improved heavy machine gun you would issue the following command to start the server :- ucc.exe server mf-carpark?game=RageGame.RageDomination?mutator=FNG.AllRandom,FNG.ReducedGrenades,FNG.AccurateHMG Note well that this is all on one line. Whats in the pack ? ------------------- The following mutators are contained in the FNG.u file :- FNG.AccurateHMG Accuracy of Heavy Machine Gun improved Bullets will damage vehicles FNG.AllArmadillos Change all vehicles on map to Armadillos Includes Trailer puller Does not affect Mental Race FNG.AllBuggys Change all vehciles on map to Buggys Does not affect Trailer puller Does not affect Mental Race FNG.AllHumvees Change all vehicles on map to Humvees Does not affect Mental Race FNG.AllRandom Change all vehicles on map to random vehicles Does not affect Trailer puller Does not affect Mental Race FNG.AllTrucks Change all vehicles on map to Trucks Includes Trailer puller Does not affect Mental Race FNG.AutoDemoRec This will make the server automatically record a uniquely named server side demo for each level Need to add line ServerActors=FNG.AutoDemoRec to the [Engine.GameEngine] section of the servers ini file Have lots of free disk space as each demo is typically 10M in size FNG.BalancedWeapons Set the MachineGun ammo to 30x5 clips Set the Pistol ammo to 15x5 clips with improved semi auto rate Balances Machinegun with the shotgun and makes the pistol at least semi useful FNG.EnableRotation Enable map rotation for Mental Race FNG.LightsOn Turn all vehicle lights on Not very bright and can show up map glitches FNG.LowGrav Enable low gravity Does not affect vehicles due to hard coded physics Note well this allows you to get to areas on the map the designers never intended you to get to FNG.NoContactFuse Disable the grenade contact fuse (alt fire) mode FNG.NoGrenades Remove Grenades from the Loadout Zones FNG.NoRocketLauncher Remove Rocket Launchers from the Loadout Zones FNG.NoTripBombs Remove Trip Bombs from the Loadout Zones FNG.ReducedGrenades Reduce the number of grenades per pack to 2 Reduce the maximum number of packs per inventory to 3 FNG.ServerAds This makes the server broadcast messages to all players at definable intervals Need to add line ServerActors=FNG.ServerAds to the [Engine.GameEngine] section of the servers ini file Need to add a new section labelled [FNG.ServerAds] to the servers ini file eg. [FNG.ServerAds] fDelay=300 iRepeat=1 iGroupSize=1 iAddType=0 bDontWrapList=False sLines[0]=FridayNightGaming Server sLines[1]=Demos by default! Where :- - fDelay is the delay in seconds when a new message is displayed (default = 300 , 5 minutes) - iRepeat is the numer of repeats of every message cycle, it's advised to leave it to the default value (1) - iGroupSize is the size of a message group, this is used in some iAddType settings - iAddType defines how to display the messages, it can have the following values: 0 Old Skool, just display all lines every cycle, it seems to be limited to only the first 4 lines. 1 Cycle list, every time the next message is display, 1 line at the time. 2 Cycle list with groups, every time a group of messages is displayed, use iGroupSize to define the size of the Groups 3 Random message, displays a random message (only 1 line) 4 multiple random messages, this displays a iGroupSize amouth of random messages 5 random multiple messages, this displays a group of messages, the first message is randomly chosen, the next iGroupSize lines are the lines that succeed the first line in the list - bDontWrapList defines if the list should be wrapped when it reaches the end of it (only for grouped messages, type 2,4 and 5). Default is false, so it will display the first line again in the group. If true the Grouped messages will not be filled completely, only the remaining items will be displayed. - sLines[#] are the lines of text that will be displayed, you can add up to 25 lines (0 to 24). This is a modification of the original ServerAdds code written by El Muerte (thekiller@cyberjunie.com) Can I give this to my friends ? ------------------------------- Feel free to distribute this file, just make sure to include this readme file with it and to give credit to FridayNightGaming for this mutator pack. Credits ------- Walker - Walker@mobileforces.org El Muerte - thekiller@cyberjunkie.com for the ServerAdds code Disclaimer ---------- Use this at your own risk. FridayNightGaming will not be liable for any damage caused to you, your computer or your software by use of this mutator pack.