Mobile Forces addon guide

Download the content

By using the updater script (preferred method)

Updater link:

Download the zip archive and extract the Updater folder out of the zip archive into the main game folder. Consider backing up the game files since this updater will overwrite some files. Launch script.bat file. The updating process should begin.

By downloading zip files of modded game files and addons

Beware that some of the files in these zips might be outdated. If you download files with updater script then you don't need to download these except If you wish to see internet servers you might want to get the (MobileForces.ini will be inside of it which you will want to put to the System folder) or If you wish to play with russian voiceovers you might want to get them from

Modded game files (for english game version):

Modded game files (for russian game version):


Enable the mutators

Assuming that you have downloaded all the files, you may want to start a game match. Once the match is started, you may want to open the console with tilde/backquote key and put this command in (pasting works):

SwitchLevel ?mutator=MutPack.AddWeaps,MutPack.ChangeBotInv,MutPack.AddVehicles,Vote.Vote,VoteMutWindow.WindowMut,MutPack.ChangeDefProperties

This will enable mutators that will change how the game works. Descriptions of each mutator:

MutPack.AddWeaps - add weapons to loadout zones (the room you spawn in in team game) or to deathmatch loadout crates
MutPack.ChangeBotInv - change bot inventories (replace original weapons with custom weapons)
MutPack.AddVehicles - add vehicles into the map
Vote.Vote - enable vote functionality
VoteMutWindow.WindowMut - GUI for Vote mutator
MutPack.ChangeDefProperties - change default properties. By default this should enable parachutes, free passenger and driver camera views.