Please note: This document & and the MobileForcesED are officially unsupported in ANYWAY by Realtime Worlds & Rage Plc so use at your own risk and make sure you backup any original MF files before you start tampering otherwise you might need to reinstall the game.

Post any comments or questions you may have in the official Mobile Forces community forums http://forums.mobileforces.org/ and we will try to help where possible.

Have fun with the editor, we look forward to seeing the results


The Realtime Worlds Team
Si ‘XEON’ Donbavand [RAGE]

This document has been written by members of the Realtime Worlds – Mobile Forces team.


The following is a basic overview of ‘MobileForcesED’. This document is not a tutorial; it just explains how to implement the new features that the new editor contains.

Static Meshes.

Static meshes (SM) are used to create high poly objects within the Mobile Forces levels. Before you decide to convert any BSP to SM, first make sure that you have applied the correct textures and that they are scaled and lined up properly. It is not possible to scale or change texture co-ordinates on a SM.

How to convert BSP to staticmesh (SM).

Sometimes you will find that your SM doesn’t seem to be affected by any lights. This is usually due to the placement of the pivot point of the SM.

How to make sure a SM will light properly.

Sometimes the level of lighting on a SM doesn’t match the surrounding BSP, at times they can look too light/dark.

How to change the ambient level of a SM.

Some SM’s look fine with each side having a sharp difference in shade to their connecting sides, but some SM’s would look better if the shading on the connecting sides were smoothed, like a cylinder for instance.

How to smooth a SM.

How to merge multiple SM’s.

SM’s can be created and textured in 3DSmax, then imported into the level. I would highly recommend that as many SM’s as possible be created in this way.

How to import a SM from max.

Sometimes when a SM is imported from 3DSmax the scale is not quite right, this can be changed. Although the scale cannot be changed on one particular axis, it will affect all of the axis.

How to change the scale of a SM.

New lighting.

There are two new types of light that have been added to MobileForcesEd.



How to add a Sunlight.

New Zones.

The basic ZoneInfo has changed slightly in Mobile Forces, there is now the ability to add fog to each zone.

How to add fog to add a ZoneInfo.

The water zone’s in both UT and Mobile Forces are exactly the same with the exception of fog.

How to add fog to add a RageWaterZone.

Vehicles can also be set to float in the water; this is done by adding a PhysicalWaterInfo.

How to add a PhysicalWaterInfo.

LoadoutZone’s are used for the spawn points for the team based game types. They will allow any player within the zone to enter the loadout screen and choose weapons.

How to add a LoadoutZone.

In order to stop enemy team members entering the opposition’s Loadout room, you must place a LoadoutBlocker.

How to add a LoadoutBlocker.

StaticMeshes are not occluded by BSP, we use anti portals to occlude StaticMeshes. Anti portals are created by setting a texture flag called ‘Anti Portal’ on any BSP surface. Anti portals should be used on very basic BSP, I usually use solid BSP sheets.

How to add an AntiPortal.



The Minimap

maptextures[0] maptextures[2]
maptextures[1] maptextures[3]

Vehicle Collision.

Vehicles In Water.

Create a Loadout Room.

Vehicle Generators.



Road Point.

Navigation Point.

In this picture we see a RoadPoint network (at bottom of image). We also see a RageFlagBase (the blue barrel). The yellow lines represent where a bot would park his car if he was trying to get to the RageFlagBase. These carparks are calculated by working along the PathNodes until a RoadPoint is encountered. As you can see there are 2 RoadPoints encountered so 2 carpark links are created.

The distance that a carpark is searched for can be set in the “CarParkImportace” property which lives in NavigationPoint (RageFlagBase is a NavigationPoint). Its default is 255. This means that a maximum of 255 PathNodes will be traveresed until it finds a RoadPoint. If you find yellow carpark lines being created where you don’t want them then set CarParkImportance to cap how far away a carpark link will be created. Alternatively set “bAutoFillCarPark” to false in any RoadPoint that you do not want to be used as a carpark.

Blue barrel connected to Road Points by yellow lines

Creating a Road Network.

Ambush Points.

Multiple Gametypes in One Map





Holdout (used to be called domination).



RageSprite In-Level Particle Effects.

Properties of each particle generator:

Texture Sprite for particle
SetLocation Set offset from base location
RandomLocation Maximum random offset from base
ConstVelocity Standard velocity of every particle
RandomVelocity Maximum random velocity component
Frequency How may particles to add per second
Period How long to generate particles for
Interval How long to not generate particles for
PhaseShift How much this particle is out of sync with others
Alpha How transparent to be
Lifetime How long each particle lasts in seconds
DrawSize How big each particle is
DrawType What method to use to draw particle
bAnimOnce Play sprte anim once
bCollide Collide with stuff
bGravity Subject to gravity
bFadeAlpha Fade alpha over lifetime
bFaceCamera Camera-facing particle
bRotate Rotate particle
Rotationrate Rate at which particle rotates

To edit particles in-game:


The FireyExample which can be found under ParticleEffect shows an example using five different particles – fire, two kinds of black smoke and two kinds of white smoke which occur at different locations (with a de


Creating a New Car

  1. Learn how to create and compile unreal script files in your own packages.
  2. Create a car model in max with separate parts for the body, left wheel, right wheel, axel and a separate low polygon collision model. Export these models as 3ds files. Convert these 3ds files to unreal model files using the unreal model converter “3ds2unr”.
  3. Create a script file for your vehicle eg. “TestCar.uc”.
  4. Write import commands for all of your new unreal model files. Use the “Humvee.uc” as a template for your own file.
  5. Fill out the default properties as explained in “Description of default properties” below.
  6. Create a “TestCar.col” file in the physics directory. You can create this file by editing it in notepad or by using the Mobile Forces collision exporter for 3dsmax4.
  7. Run the “handling editor” in the physics directory.
  8. Open the handling file from the physics directory. Its called “handling.hnd2”
  9. Select the automobile tab at the bottom. You should see a list of the games vehicles.
  10. Click the insert button on the right.
  11. You will be taken to the first page of the physics data for your new car. You must put in a name. This name MUST be the same as the name defined in the “Gen_Name” field of the default properties of your vehicle.
  12. Fill out the physics data for your vehicle as explained in “Description Of Physics Data” below.
  13. Save the handling data.
  14. Your vehicle is now ready to be used in a level.
  15. Vehicles can’t be placed in levels themselves. We need to use a VehcileGenerator to spawn your vehicle. Insert a VehicleGenerator in your level and set the “VehicleClass” in the vehicle generator to your new vehicle.
  16. You should now be able to play your level with your new vehicles

Description of default properties

These default properties are from Humvee.uc


Meshes that the vehicle uses.

DrawType=DT_DeviceMesh Leave this
BodyMesh=humveeMesh Mesh to use for car body
WheelMesh(0)=humwheelL Mesh to use for cars left wheels
WheelMesh(1)=humwheelR Mesh to use for cars right wheels
WheelBlownMesh(0)=HumveeWheelDL Mesh to use for cars left wheels when they are shot out
WheelBlownMesh(1)=HumveeWheelDR Mesh to use for cars right wheels when they are shot out
CollisionMesh=HumColMesh This is a simple mesh used for “Trace” collision detections
(bullet shots,etc..).
SuspensionMesh=BuggySuspension ONLY USED by the buggy RenderIterator(see below).
Mesh used for suspension springs on buggy.
AxelMesh(0)=Mesh'Rage.humaxel' Mesh used for the front and back axels
NumDoors=3 Number of entry points car has
NumSeats=4 Number of seats car has
DriverSeat=1 The number of the drivers seat

The aDoorsPos array holds the positions of all the doors.
The position is relative to the vehicle.
PositiveX is towards front of vehicle.
PositiveY is towards the left of the vehcile.
PositiveZ is towards the top of the vehcile.

When a player leaves a vehicle they will be positioned at one of the door points. A valid place to put the player will be searched for from this point. The aDoorsExitDir array holds a normailsed vector. This is the direction the player is pushed away from the door when looking for a valid exit position. So (x=0,y=1,z=0) pushes the player to the left of the vehicle when looking for a valid exit position.

The aSeats… arrays holds information on each seat in the vehicle. There should be one set of data for each seat.

aSeatsSit(0)=1 0=Standing seat (ie back of humvee)
1=Sitting seat.
aSeatsPos(0)=(x=15.5,y=32,z=55.55555) Relative position of seat in vehcile
aSeatsRot(0)=(ROLL=0,PITCH=0,YAW=0) Relative rotation of seat in vehicle.
aSeatsRotLimit(0)=(YAW=16384,PITCH=16384) Rotations/view limit of seat:
Rot limit of 0 = No rotation limit
Rot limit of 16384 = 90deg limit in both directions.
Rot limit of 1 = Not allowed to rotate
aSeatsDoor(0)=0 Number of door to enter this seat from
aSeatNearDrivers(0)=1 If set to 1, a player entering this seat will be
forced into the drivers seat instead, if it is empty.
aSeatsBotDesire(0)=0.5 How desireable seat is to a bot. (1=max)
aSeatsProtection(0)=0.8 How much protection from damage this seat
offers 1=Invincible while in seat.

!!Very Important!!  This name is used to look for

Leave these at 1, they do not work properly.

Vehicle can have a petrol cap that if hit will blow up vehicle with one shot.

PetrolCapPos=(x=-95,y=-55,z=35.5) Relative position of cap
PetrolCapRadius=7 Collision size of cap

Collision size of wheels. Used for shooting them out.

Attachments to vehicle.

bLight=true Set to true to enable “whos in vehicle” flag.
LightPos=(x=116,y=0,z=100) Position of “whos in vehicle” flag.
FlagPos=(x=-105,y=-38,z=95.5) Position of game pickup icon on vehicle (eg flag)

Engine sounds vehcile should use.

EngineSound=Sound'HumveeSFX.Engine1' This should be a looping sound.

Minimum speed at which a vehicle can kill players by hitting them.

Various camera parameters for each vehcile.

FirstPersonPos=(x=90,y=0,z=65.5) Position of first person vehcile camera.
NearCamera=250 Distance of close in behind view camera.
FarCamera=400 Distance of far away behind view camera.

AI obstacle checking positions.

FrontCheck=(x=110,y=0,z=40) Should be right in front of vehicle at wheel level.
RearCheck=(x=-100,y=0,z=40) Should be right behind vehicle at wheel level.
SideCheck=60 Should be right at the side of vehcile at wheel level.

AI speed data. Not important. Use default data below.

AI_TopSpeed=15.0 Just the top speed of the vehicle
AI_SpeedMultiplier=1.5 Multiplier of speeds defined in RoadNodes.

The truck has six wheels, the buggy has 4. Must be 4 or 6.

Vehicle can be slightly shiny. Set this for a shiny car.

Texture=Texture'RageGfx.ReflectionTex0' Shiny texture to use

Must be number from 0 to 3. Choose best type for your new vehicle.
0 = Humvee, 1=Truck, 2=Buggy, 3=Armadillo.
This is used to remember the last camera mode you used for each vehcile type.


Force applied to vehcile when one of its wheels explodes.

Force used to up-right vehcile when its upside-down.

Special vehicle weapon given to player when driving vheicle. These VehcileWeapons are not real weapons but are used to determine who gets a kill when someone is run over. They are not proper game weapons.

How much of a pounding this vehcile can take.

MenuName="stray Humvee"

The location of a vehicle is defined by its Centre Of Mass (COM). We must never place a vehicles location outside the level. This will never happen if the COM is placed inside the vehicles collisions spheres. However COM is not always inside a collision sphere. Use offset is used so shift the COM about until it is inside a sphere. Note: changing this value does not affect the handling of the vehicle OR move its actual centre of mass.

This defines the routines that are used to draw the vehicle. There are 2 types for cars.
“Rage.BuggyRI” is used for our buggy and it draws each wheel with independent susspensions. “Rage.CarRI” is the default one and draws the vehcile with linked axel suspension. If using the buggy RenderIterator then you will have to define a SuspensionMesh.


Description of Physics Data


Changing the physics files may:
Make your game incompatible with network games.
Stop the game from behaving as designed.
Ruin the single player game.

Always make a backup of your physics directory before you start tinkering.


To edit physics data run the program “HandlingEditor.exe” in the physics directory.

Explanations of what each parameter does is explained in the Handling Editor.

To create handling data for your own vehcile it is best to copy one of the existing vehicles data, using the “Duplicate” button, and use this as the basis for your own vehciles data.

All vehicles physics data are held in one file, “Handling.hnd2”. This is a text file and can also be edited in notepad.

Each vehcile has a separate collision file , “VehicleName.col”. This is a text file and can also be edited in notepad.

It is possible to create several different types of handling data, MobileForces supports the following: Prop, Automobile and Trailer.

Several extra data sets are present in the editor but were never finished. These are: Boat, Hovercraft,Aeroplane and Helicopter.  These are not supported in Mobile Forces.

However, if you want to have a go at creating some hovering craft, maybe even planes have a look at this

All the rigid body functions are visible in script:

native function ApplyForce ( Vector Pos, Vector Force );
native function vector GetTransVel ();
native function vector GetVelAtPoint ( Vector Pos );
native function vector GetPointWorld ( vector PointRel ); native function rotator GetChildRotWorld ( rotator LocalRot ); native function vector GetRotVel (); native function vector SetTransVel ( Vector Vel ); native function vector SetRotVel ( Vector Vel ); native function vector SetTransVelLocal ( Vector Vel ); native function vector SetRotVelLocal ( Vector Vel ); native function SetPlayerContolled ( bool In ); native function DebugMove ( Vector Vec ); native function float GetSpeed (); native function bool IsPhysicalCollision();

All you have to do is apply an upward force to make the car hover. The upward force could be scaled by the cars speed.

Back to the Future Hoverboards I hear ya calling ;)


Software needed.

Photoshop or Paint Shop pro.
Mobile Forces Ed.

Step 1.

Create two folders within your TerraEdit folder called ‘terrain’ and ‘heightmaps’.

Step 2.

First of all you have to create a greyscale image make sure it’s 256 x 256 x 256 and save it as ‘terrain1.bmp’ into the ‘heightmaps’ folder. You can create this file using either Photoshop or Paint Shop pro.

Step 3.

Load up TerraEdit, then go to File\Import, open up the ‘heightmaps’ folder and select ‘terrain1.bmp’. You will then be asked to enter the grid scale and grid size. Enter 16 for the grid scale and 96 x 96 for the grid size. You will then be asked ‘It is not recommended that you create heightmaps larger than 32 x 32. Continue?’ Click on ‘Yes’.

Step 4.

You will now have a map loaded, you can move around using the same controls as Mobile Forces Ed. The next thing you will want to do is smooth off all of those harsh edges. Go to ‘Tools\Filter\Smooth’ you will see that the map instantly updates. Continue this process until you are happy with the shape of your terrain. When you are happy with the terrain go to ‘File\Export’ the save it as ‘terrain1.t3d’ in your terrain folder.

Note – maps can’t actually be saved in Terraedit (they normally crash upon loading), they can only be exported ready to be imported by Mobile Forces Ed. If for some reason you wanted to do anything extra to your terrain you would have to go back to Step 3, and begin smoothing the terrain again.

Step 5.

Load up Mobile Forces Ed. Select the builder brush (the red one), right click on the builder brush, select ‘Brush Properties’.  Now within the ‘Brush Properties’ window select ‘+Brush\+MainScale\+Scale’. Now change the figures to X = 16, Y = 16, Z = 8. This will re-scale the builder brush to the correct size for a terrain to be imported.

Step 6.

Go to ‘Brush\Import’, then open up the ‘terrain’ folder and select ‘terrain.t3d’, (C:\..\TerraEdit\Terrain\terrain.t3d).  You will then be faced with the ‘Import Brush’ window. Make Sure that only ‘Solid Mesh’ is selected, then click on ‘Ok’.

You will then have the terrain ready to add\texture\staticmesh.